Reyne returned to Egypt very tired and only about a week later. Once she had made it through the gates and to Enyra's private office, she took a minute to lean against the wall and rest, report in her hand. ~~So tired.....need to return to my room, thankfully i can just leave it on her desk and have her call me when she returns...~~ Reyne then stood up, walked over to Enyra's huge desk and placed in the middle, and marked it urgent.
(The report entails)
Willam is moving his people to Italy and ask that we assist him. The reason he gave me was "I have a bad felling." In my opinion my lady, we should maybe send some lower troops to assist and watch. If nothing else so you can keep an eye on him.
that is all,
Reyne edo
Squad 2 Lt
Reyne then exited the room heading towards her room, if nothing else to catch a shower.